Gator Pickles Gift Pack
Creative Cajun Cooking
Pickle Pack Cajun style...
...and you've got a winner!
One Jar of Gator Pickles
One Jar of Gator Pickles Relish
One Jar of Gator Pickles Okra
One Jar of Gator Pickles Yellow Squash Chow-Chow
One Jar of Gator Pickles Green Tomato Chunks
One Jar of Sliced Green Tomatoes
*NOTE: We are currently substituting Yellow Squash Chow Chow for Zucchini Chow Chow until we get more in stock. Thank you for your understanding.*
Includes Recipe Booklet
Get this flavor packed variety kit for all of your Cajun cuisine delights!
Cure for your ills!
I've been enjoying Creative Cooking items for some time and had this sent to a sick friend. Jimmy Babin suggested to tell her to "take two pickles and call him in the morning"! It might not cure the "ills", but who knows!?